
This site is about sharing cheer, beauty, & inspiration from our songbird friends.

  • Songbirds give music to our ears with their heartfelt singing.
  • They are visual treats with their colorful plumage
  • They just brighten our days by their presence.

It is exciting to see what feathered friends will be stopping for a visit. An assortment of birds of many colors, red, blue, brown, yellow, & black, may check out the feeders on any given day.

My observations have been that Cardinals are the easiest songbirds to photograph. Their bright appearance makes them easier to spot. They land in tree branches & often stay put for periods of time.

In contrast, the little chickadees seem to fly in & fly out quickly. They are adorable, painted black-white-gray, but smaller in size, so harder to spot & quickly position camera to capture an image. However, I keep an eye on the windows often, so have been fortunate to capture many chickadee pictures.